
Posts Tagged ‘Chupacabra’

The second week of the Brownstone Trivia Tournament was just as fun as the first, except this week, we tried the $7 nachos that are so abundant they are served on a cookie sheet.  Yum.

As with last week, we experienced another shady question:

This past week, U.S. law enforcement apprehended a hitman who was a member of what illegal Mexican organizations?

The answer?  Drug cartels.  We felt a little misled by the question and a lot disappointed in the vague answer–we had expected the name of a specific organization.  (The question was comparable to: Who was the first president?  A white man.)  Not that we know the names of any drug cartels.  One team answered with “The Chupacabras,” which was wrong but kind of awesome:


A Chupacabra

And now, the standings after Week 2:

Tied for 1st: Backstreet Boyeez and Beer Makes Smart
Tied for 2nd: Grants & Co. and Werewolf Bar Mitzvah
3rd: I’ll Take Potpourri for $100, Alex

The tournament is taking a short hiatus, so we’ll be back to report in 2 weeks.  This blog, however, is not taking a hiatus, so check back here for more trivia reviews during the break!

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